Sunday 8 November 2015

The (Nearly) Final Edition

The (Nearly) Final Edition

 A lot of work went in the website before the presentation with the Client. The first priority was to get the Web-based Design implemented.

The Topic's difficulties was also updated. The Progress Bars are moved to the individual buttons for a more unique/interesting appearance yet retaining it's simplicity.

Some proxies was also added for clearer visualization for the prototype.

Combined, the website received praise from the client (which was our goal from the start). This means that we have effectively achieved the goal.

But... from here - we have to continue improving by adding things like "Login Screens" and "Leader-boards" as brainstormed initially.

This version is merely the bare minimum of our plans and we'll have to find/see if we can add any suitable additions.



 With issues regarding the creation of the "web-based" structure for the modules/topics.  Work was done to polish up the Profile Page.

Using the Google Documents of planned Data to fix up the features of the Profile Page - The Profile Page got revamped.

A fairly basic Profile Page with Data to be added at a later date.

Features of the Website Part II

Features of the Website Part II

 At the start of the week, it was proposed to split the learning into chunks split by difficulty levels (Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 respectively). 

The Levels will also use phrases from the Criteria Sheet such as "Demonstrate a basic understanding of realistic optimism" to take place for the Criteria Sheet.

The progress bars will be shifted into the "Three-Levels" as a result so that progress can be tracked visibly. 

This change DID stir a debate involving the entire group. The resolution ended up being the web-based design.

The web-based design will work in tandem with the newer Level 1,2 and 3 implementation. This will grant a cleaner and more interesting approach to the website.

Features of the Website Part I

Features of the Website Part I

Drawing inspirations from the xTED talk as mentioned earlier - Blowing up the Gradebook

I suggested we take a "Quest-based" approach that allows the student to access any part of the learning as they wish. This also resembles the "Wikipedia-approach" where it allows the student to take control of their learning.

The others came up with similar ideas.

Other Features suggest are/were:

  • Social Chatroom/Chat-box
  • Leaderboard (Points based System)
  • Better Messaging System
  • Forums
  • Friends/Buddylist
  • Progress Bars
  • Potential Employees
  • Badges/Virtual Reward System (Much to the chagrin of some)
  • Splitting up/Getting rid of the lengthy Documents to "bite-sized" information
A couple sketches was drawn up by Peter which we commented on and discussed. For a start, a simple design was best and we'd play around it with it - adding/taking away features as we saw fit.

The first priority is to discuss the way the unit will be presented and the information. 

A very simplistic design was decided upon as the starting grounds. The Progress bar was implemented (of some sorts) as well as easy access to other topics and modules. The "Recently Visited" icons allow quick access to revise recent topics.

The Quad Buttons representing Home, Messages, Profile and Log Out was also utilized.

The Website

Settling on the Website

 After discussing with the team, a re-done website was agreed upon. This is due to several reasons
  • The website is a pain to use. If the website is better, it would have a higher chance of retaining students (As they would be significantly less irritated)
  • Creating a game for QUT Connect is fine - but if it were added to the current website, the impact on the drop-out rates would be fairly negligible. In terms of the client's needs, it is more important to focus on assisting the retaining of the students
  • A website is the fastest and simplest solution to the problem and we will have many flexibilities (pathways to move forward with the website)
We will brainstorm ideas for the website in our own time. Following this, we will compile the ideas into a list and decide which to move forward with.

Peter (a group member) has decided to take over the HTML/Coding of the Website as he is most familiar in that area.